At night “Padinjitta”, Thedan and Nambisan Sthanikar reach the “Manithara” at “Akkere”. Agni and Ooda brought in from chathiyoor madam along with three mud plates, are placed in the north, middle and south positions; filled with butter and Wicks lighted. This is the all important “Chothi vilakku“.
The signs observed while lighting the vilakku have many inferences. If any of the vilakku where to get extinguished unexpectedly, depending on the location, destructions/Calamity is predicted.
A lightened wick from “chothi vilakku” is used to light way-sidelamps and the holy fireplace or hearth used for preparation of prasadam. Before all the lights are put off on the “Thrikallashatt” day, the lighted wicks are transferred into coconut cut in half.